Where Do I Register?
Register online here. Or come to the library to register and we'll get you all set up. If you'd like a t-shirt, please let us know your size by July 10th! (T-shirts will be given out at the Finale Party on August 17th.
How it Works
Each book you read throughout the summer wins you a scratch ticket. You can also win scratch tickets for:
writing book reviews,
attending library programs,
helping out in the pizza garden,
or completing missions, brainteasers and word searches on Readsquared.
Anyone who reads a total of 6 or more books or completes the Bingo Challenge (or both!) will win a free book of their choice as a completion prize (and extra scratch tickets). So if the Bingo isn't really your thing, you can read freely whatever you choose!
writing book reviews,
attending library programs,
helping out in the pizza garden,
or completing missions, brainteasers and word searches on Readsquared.
Anyone who reads a total of 6 or more books or completes the Bingo Challenge (or both!) will win a free book of their choice as a completion prize (and extra scratch tickets). So if the Bingo isn't really your thing, you can read freely whatever you choose!
Scratch Tickets
Scratch tickets are sometimes instant prize winners of small or medium prizes, and if not, they still count as raffle tickets for the bigger prizes. You get 1 scratch ticket just for registering, and then 1 for every book you finish or bingo square you finish throughout the summer.
Prizes - Everyone Wins Something!
Prizes range from small or medium-sized prizes won throughout the summer to bigger one-of-a-kind prizes drawn at the end, such as a Book-to-Movie Pack, a leather writing journal, and a laptop backpack. Raffle prizes will be drawn at the end of the summer Finale Party on August 17th.
You can also win a book just by completing the Bingo Challenge (or reading 6 books).
You can also win a book just by completing the Bingo Challenge (or reading 6 books).
Teen Thursdays and More Upcoming Events
Come to the library every Thursday (afternoon or evening) for a fun event just for teens and tweens.
July 1 - 6:30-7:45pm - Game Night
July 8 - 2pm - Make Pet Toys
July 15 - 6:30-7:45pm - Game Night 2
July 22 - 2pm - Craft: Yarn Wolf Tails
Aug 5 - 6:00 pm - special event (ask us at the library!)
postponed to Fall - Murder Mystery Night
TEEN PIZZA GARDEN PARTY | August 12 @ 2-3 PM Young Adult Room
Congratulations to those who worked so hard keeping the garden watered and weeded. Now everyone who participated in the T(w)een Summer Reading Program is invited to join us for a pizza party! If you so desire, decorate your slice with fresh garden herbs! For entertainment, we will have board games and card games. Please sign up here so we know how many pizzas to order.
and please join us for:
WRITING WORKSHOP | August 10th @ 2:00-3:00 PM Explore creative self-expression through poetry, flash fiction, and drama. Your teacher will be published poet/writer Miss Jenny plus a brief interview with published poet, novelist and librarian Catherine Zebrowski. All attendees will receive a complimentary writing notebook, pen, and dictionary. One lucky participant will get a free Writers' Guide! All ages welcome. (We will meet outside in the shade behind the library.) If there is enough interest, we will start up a regular monthly Writer's Club at the library!
THEATER GAMES | August 13 @ 11:00 am-12:00 pm Rindge Common
Theater Director Deborah Shakespeare Thurber will lead a free acting workshop with lots of fun theater games outside on the Common. Please sign up through this google form here or call us at 603-899-3303 to let us know you're coming!
FINALE PARTY | August 17 @ 2:00-3:30 PM Rindge Common (or the Meeting House, in the event of rain)
Come to celebrate the end of the Summer Reading Program. Raffle prizes for both children and teens will be drawn! There will be lawn games, free light refreshments, and music!
July 1 - 6:30-7:45pm - Game Night
July 8 - 2pm - Make Pet Toys
July 15 - 6:30-7:45pm - Game Night 2
July 22 - 2pm - Craft: Yarn Wolf Tails
Aug 5 - 6:00 pm - special event (ask us at the library!)
postponed to Fall - Murder Mystery Night
TEEN PIZZA GARDEN PARTY | August 12 @ 2-3 PM Young Adult Room
Congratulations to those who worked so hard keeping the garden watered and weeded. Now everyone who participated in the T(w)een Summer Reading Program is invited to join us for a pizza party! If you so desire, decorate your slice with fresh garden herbs! For entertainment, we will have board games and card games. Please sign up here so we know how many pizzas to order.
and please join us for:
WRITING WORKSHOP | August 10th @ 2:00-3:00 PM Explore creative self-expression through poetry, flash fiction, and drama. Your teacher will be published poet/writer Miss Jenny plus a brief interview with published poet, novelist and librarian Catherine Zebrowski. All attendees will receive a complimentary writing notebook, pen, and dictionary. One lucky participant will get a free Writers' Guide! All ages welcome. (We will meet outside in the shade behind the library.) If there is enough interest, we will start up a regular monthly Writer's Club at the library!
THEATER GAMES | August 13 @ 11:00 am-12:00 pm Rindge Common
Theater Director Deborah Shakespeare Thurber will lead a free acting workshop with lots of fun theater games outside on the Common. Please sign up through this google form here or call us at 603-899-3303 to let us know you're coming!
FINALE PARTY | August 17 @ 2:00-3:30 PM Rindge Common (or the Meeting House, in the event of rain)
Come to celebrate the end of the Summer Reading Program. Raffle prizes for both children and teens will be drawn! There will be lawn games, free light refreshments, and music!