Our seeds have started to arrive and are being processed.
The James R. Wiley Seed Library will be opening soon!
Jim was a beloved member of the Ingalls Memorial Library. He served as our caretaker, and loved and cared for our building until he was no longer able to. Jim passed away earlier this year.
In lieu of donations, Jim asked that you find some way to plant a garden. It doesn’t have to be perfect. He always found himself closest to God in a garden. Jim always said his dad taught him that you can learn something from anyone's garden. We'd like to honor Jim's request by making sure that anyone who would like to plant something in his memory can do so. The Wiley family is part of the library family, and we hope that this brings some joy to their days.
In addition to changing the name of the Seed Library, we are also changing the way it works. You will no longer need to "check out" the seeds that you "borrow." Just visit the seed library and select the seeds and we'll do the rest behind the scenes. More details will be announced when the seed library is restocked and ready to open.
The James R. Wiley Seed Library will be opening soon!
Jim was a beloved member of the Ingalls Memorial Library. He served as our caretaker, and loved and cared for our building until he was no longer able to. Jim passed away earlier this year.
In lieu of donations, Jim asked that you find some way to plant a garden. It doesn’t have to be perfect. He always found himself closest to God in a garden. Jim always said his dad taught him that you can learn something from anyone's garden. We'd like to honor Jim's request by making sure that anyone who would like to plant something in his memory can do so. The Wiley family is part of the library family, and we hope that this brings some joy to their days.
In addition to changing the name of the Seed Library, we are also changing the way it works. You will no longer need to "check out" the seeds that you "borrow." Just visit the seed library and select the seeds and we'll do the rest behind the scenes. More details will be announced when the seed library is restocked and ready to open.
The Seed Library is stocked!
Wondering what to plant? We have the following seeds, provided by High Mowing Organic Seeds and Seed Savers Exchange:
Fruits and Vegetables:
Fruits and Vegetables:
- Bean, Cherokee Trail of Tears
- Bean, Christmas Lima
- Bean, Climbing French
- Bean, Fin de Bagnol
- Bean, Gold Rush Bush
- Bean, Good Mother Stallard
- Bean, Ideal Market
- Bean, Mardi Gras Blend
- Bean, Maxibel Haricot Vert Bush
- Bean Provider
- Beet, Bull's Blood
- Beet, Guardsmark Chioggia
- Beet, Yellow Intermediate Mangel
- Cabbage, Early Jersey Wakefield
- Cabbage, Farao
- Carrot, Danvers 126
- Carrot, Red Cored Chantenay
- Carrot, Yaya
- Cauliflower, Romanesco
- Cucumber, Armenian
- Cucumber, Green Finger
- Cucumber, Marketmore 76
- Cucumber, Suyo Long
- Eggplant, Black Beauty
- Eggplant, Little Finger
- Eggpplant, Purple Pickling
- Greens, Hotshot Spicy Blend Mustard
- Greens, Mizuna Asian
- Greens, Tokyo Bekana
- Leek, Blue Solaise
- Leek, Giant Musselburgh
- Leek Jaune de Poitou
- Lettuce, Black Seeded Simpson
- Lettuce, Crisp Mint
- Lettuce, Freckles
- Lettuce, Lolla Rossa
- Lettuce, Magenta
- Lettuce, Mixture
- Lettuce, Outredgeous Romaine
- Lettuce, Red Iceberg
- Lettuce, Red Oakleaf
- Lettuce, Red Salad Bowl
- Lettuce, Tennis Ball
- Lettuce, Three Heart
- Melon, Prescott Fond Blanc
- Okra, Hill Country Red
- Pea, Amish Snap
- Pea, Laxton's Progress #9 Shell
- Pea, SS 141 Snap
- Pepper, California Wonder Sweet
- Pepper, Corno di Toro Sweet
- Pepper, Nadapeno
- Pepper, New Mexico Joe E. Parker Hot
- Pepper, Shishito
- Pumpkin, Baby Pam Pie
- Pumpkin, Howden
- Pumpkin, New England Pie
- Radish, Cincinnati Market
- Radish, Early Scarlet Globe
- Radish, French Breakfast
- Radish, Sora
- Radish, Watermelon
- Spinach, Giant Winter
- Squash, Cocozelle Zucchini
- Squash, Black Beauty Zucchini
- Squash, Bush Delicata Winter
- Squash, Fordhook Acorn
- Squash, Gill's Golden Pippin
- Squash, Honeynut Butternut Winter
- Squash, Potimarron
- Squash, Spaghetti
- Squash, Waltham Butternut Winter
- Squash, Yellow Crookneck Summer
- Tomato, Aunt Molly's Ground Cherry
- Tomato, Beam's Yellow Pear
- Tomato, Blondkopfchen
- Tomato Brandywine
- Tomato, Drotts Yellow Ground Cherry
- Tomato, Gold Medal
- Tomato, Green Grape
- Tomato, Green Zebra
- Tomato, Martino's Roma
- Tomato, Midnight Pear
- Tomato, Moonglow
- Tomato, Peacevine Cherry
- Tomato, Sheboygan
- Tomato, Speckled Roman
- Tomato, Trucker's Favorite
- Tomato, White Cherry
- Tomato, White Tomesol
- Tomato, Whittemore Heirloom
- Tomato, Wisconsin 55
- Watermelon, Citron Red Seeded
- Watermelon, Sugar Baby
- Basil, Genovese
- Basil, Rutgers Obsession DMR Basil
- Cumin
- Cumin, Black
- Dill, Bouquet
- Dill, Greensleeves
- Rosemary
- Spearmnt
- Sweet Marjoram
- Thyme
- American Basketflower
- Bee's Friend
- Calendula, Resina
- Johnny Jump-Up
- Marigold, Red Marietta
- Nasturtium Milkmaid
- Nicotiana, Night-Scented Tobacco
- Rue
- Sunflower, Evening Colors
- Sunflower, Mexican Torch
- Sunflower, Mixture
- Sunflower, Taiyo
- Zinnia, Red Scarlet
- Zinnia, Yellow
- Sunflower Variety Packs
We have another shipment on the way, from Seed Savers Exchange.
If there are seeds you are interested in that we don't have, let us know and we will consider adding them. Email [email protected].
If there are seeds you are interested in that we don't have, let us know and we will consider adding them. Email [email protected].