Tuesday, June 26, 2018
Trustees present: Gillian L’Eplattenier, Roberta Gordenstein, Dick Isakson, Karla MacLeod, Flo Marsh. Director: Donna Straitiff
Trustee Alternate Present: Lisa Wiley
Trustee Alternates Absent: Craig Jensen, Linda Dodge
Acceptance of Donations- Roberta motioned to accept report, Dick seconded. All approved.
Secretary’s Report—Lisa Wiley- Dick motioned to accept report. Flo seconded. All approved.
Town Bookkeeper’s Report - no report for May.
Treasurer’s Report—Flo Marsh- Roberta motioned to accept report pending audit. Dick seconded. All approved.
Director’s Report—Donna Straitiff- Roberta motioned to accept report., Gillian seconded. All approved.
Roberta Motioned to adjourn at 5:35. Dick seconded. All approved.
Next Meeting Date—July 24, 2018
Respectfully submitted by Lisa Wiley- secretary
Tuesday, June 26, 2018
Trustees present: Gillian L’Eplattenier, Roberta Gordenstein, Dick Isakson, Karla MacLeod, Flo Marsh. Director: Donna Straitiff
Trustee Alternate Present: Lisa Wiley
Trustee Alternates Absent: Craig Jensen, Linda Dodge
Acceptance of Donations- Roberta motioned to accept report, Dick seconded. All approved.
Secretary’s Report—Lisa Wiley- Dick motioned to accept report. Flo seconded. All approved.
Town Bookkeeper’s Report - no report for May.
Treasurer’s Report—Flo Marsh- Roberta motioned to accept report pending audit. Dick seconded. All approved.
Director’s Report—Donna Straitiff- Roberta motioned to accept report., Gillian seconded. All approved.
- LCHIP and Moose Plate Grants- Applications have been submitted.
- End of Summer Program- August 24th, 5:30pm. The Cheshiremen Barbershop chorus will come for a community party to celebrate end of summer programming and Georgi’s retirement.
- Summer Reading- About 70 people came for the kick off program.
- Staffing- Donna will review the Library Assistant position for posting by the beginning of July.
- Digitization of flora- Local photographer Joel Cohen will photograph the collection and submit it digitally for adding to the formal collection.
- CDs- Roberta noted that there are three Certificates of Deposit that are about to come due. She recommended to the board that they be placed in investment portfolios. The consensus is to invite professionals in the field to come to a trustee meeting soon to advise. Lisa will consult other libraries for NH investment policies.
- Library projects - Donna will move the fax machine away from the office.
- Mary Ware program success- local enthusiasts presented programming and toured pertinent sites.
- Code of Conduct- still under review.
- Georgi’s Retirement Party- August 24th. Last day is August 31st- The library will hold an “open house” for patrons to come and wish Georgi well.
- Paul Jenkins, Director of Franklin Pierce University DiPietro Library, will come to the Friday August 10 Lunch & Learn Program to present his research about the Beatles.
- Other: Dick reported that the CIP will request a warrant article for the 2019 Town Budget for $40,000 to repair the Library roof.
- Ingalls 1894 Association- Tickets are selling well for the quilt raffle.
- Friends of the Ingalls Memorial Library- The group is putting together a float for the 250th celebration.
Roberta Motioned to adjourn at 5:35. Dick seconded. All approved.
Next Meeting Date—July 24, 2018
Respectfully submitted by Lisa Wiley- secretary