Tuesday, December 18, 2018
Trustees in attendance: Karla MacLeod, Flo Marsh, Dick Isakson, Roberta Gordenstein, Gillian L’Eplatteniere
Director: Donna Straitiff
Trustee Alternates: Linda Dodge
Absent: Craig Jensen, Lisa Wiley
The board listened to a presentation by Bryan Sanford and Marcia Mackenzie of the Charter Trust Company regarding possible management of some of the board’s funds.
Acceptance of Donations: Dick motioned to accept report, Roberta seconded. All approved.
Secretary’s Report: Roberta motioned to accept report. Dick seconded. All approved.
Town Bookkeeper’s Report: Roberta motioned to accept report pending audit. Gillian seconded. All approved.
Treasurer’s Report—Roberta motioned to approve report pending audit. Dick seconded. All approved.
Director’s Report—Donna Straitiff: Roberta voted to accept report, Dick seconded. All approved.
The meeting adjourned at 3:15pm.
Next Meeting Date—January 22, 2019
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Dodge, acting secretary
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
Trustees in attendance: Karla MacLeod, Flo Marsh, Dick Isakson, Roberta Gordenstein, Gillian L’Eplatteniere
Director: Donna Straitiff
Trustee Alternates: Linda Dodge
Absent: Craig Jensen, Lisa Wiley
The board listened to a presentation by Bryan Sanford and Marcia Mackenzie of the Charter Trust Company regarding possible management of some of the board’s funds.
Acceptance of Donations: Dick motioned to accept report, Roberta seconded. All approved.
Secretary’s Report: Roberta motioned to accept report. Dick seconded. All approved.
Town Bookkeeper’s Report: Roberta motioned to accept report pending audit. Gillian seconded. All approved.
Treasurer’s Report—Roberta motioned to approve report pending audit. Dick seconded. All approved.
Director’s Report—Donna Straitiff: Roberta voted to accept report, Dick seconded. All approved.
- Donna reported that the LCHIP Grant for $16,500 will be publicly announced at the January 2nd Selectmen’s meeting.
- Dick reported that he has sent and email to the Capitol Improvement Committee asking that the library be included in future plans to install generators in key town buildings. Plans to implement these installations don’t appear to be imminent, but Roberta asked that the library’s name be put forward again if the work proceeds in a future year.
- Dick agreed to with with Mike Cloutier on specs for the library’s mortar repair. It was recommended that the time sensitive nature of the monies involved in this project be stressed, so that work could be started as soon as possible.
- The public meeting to accept donations was opened at 2:30pm, at which time an October 16th donation of stock amounting to $9,646.00 was announced. Roberta proposed to accept the donation; Flo seconded the motion and all agreed. The public meeting was then closed at 2:45pm.
- Karla relayed that the selectmen would like the trustees to provide some funding toward a repair of the library roof. Dick made a motion that the trustees put up to $10,000 into the expendable trust fund for use on the roof. Roberta seconded the motion and all agreed. Karla will check with the town administrator to clarify the procedure for encumbering these funds for 2018.
- The board will discuss investment options at the next meeting. Karla will contact Charter Trust for input on the trustee’s investment policy plan.
- Ingalls 1894 Association- Gillian reported on the results of the quilt raffle. The final proceeds have not been determined.
- Friends of the Ingalls Memorial Library- Donna reported that the Friends have volunteered to sponsored another speaker for the library.
The meeting adjourned at 3:15pm.
Next Meeting Date—January 22, 2019
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Dodge, acting secretary