Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Called to order at 4:30pm
Trustees present: Roberta Gordenstein, Gillian L’Eplattenier, Dick Isakson, Flo Marsh Director: Donna Straitiff Trustee Alternates present: Lisa Wiley, Linda Dodge Absent: Trustee Karla MacLeod, Trustee Alternate Craig Jensen
Approval of sealed minutes from previous session Dick motioned to open the minutes that were sealed from the previous non-public session dated Sept. 25, 2018. Flo seconded. All approved. Dick motioned to accept minutes as recorded. Gillian seconded. All approved. Flo motioned to reseal the minutes. Dick seconded. All approved.
Acceptance of Donations: Flo motioned to accept report. Dick seconded. All approved.
REPORTS: Secretary’s Report—Lisa Wiley: Dick motioned to accept report as edited. Gillian seconded. All approved. Town Bookkeeper’s Report: Dick motioned to accept report pending audit. Gillian seconded. All approved. Treasurer’s Report—Flo Marsh: Gillian motioned to accept report pending audit. Dick seconded. All approved. Director’s Report—Donna Straitiff: Dick motioned to accept report. Gillian seconded. All approved.
1. Moose Plate Grant Update: Donna will attend a meeting with the Selectmen for formally
accepting and signing the grant.
1. Budget Proposal: Dick motioned to accept the proposed budget. Flo seconded. All approved. The budget proposal will be submitted to the town for review by the end of October.
2. 2019 Holiday Schedule: Flo motioned to accept the schedule. Gillian seconded. All approved.
3. Volunteer Luncheon: There will not be a volunteer luncheon this year. Donna will present a gift to thank the volunteers. Gillian motioned to offer a volunteer gift card. Flo seconded. All approved.
4. Investment Policy: The subcommittee met and after reviewing multiple library policies, constructed a draft for our library. This will be reviewed for future consideration, once we have heard from another consultant to get more information.
5. Other: Pat Martin of the Rindge Energy Commission has asked Donna to take part in the “Button Up” program, taking place at the Fitzwilliam Town Library, November 27, 6:30pm.
6. A dear and longtime trustee and secretary of the library, Bob Carney passed away this week. The trustees will choose a memorial donation for the library to recognize his years of service.
1. Ingalls 1894 Association: Members are looking to sell more quilt raffle tickets as the
drawing is next month.
2. Friends of the Ingalls Memorial Library: no meeting.
Gillian motioned to adjourn at 5:35pm. Flo seconded. All approved.
Next Meeting Date—November 27, 2018
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Called to order at 4:30pm
Trustees present: Roberta Gordenstein, Gillian L’Eplattenier, Dick Isakson, Flo Marsh Director: Donna Straitiff Trustee Alternates present: Lisa Wiley, Linda Dodge Absent: Trustee Karla MacLeod, Trustee Alternate Craig Jensen
Approval of sealed minutes from previous session Dick motioned to open the minutes that were sealed from the previous non-public session dated Sept. 25, 2018. Flo seconded. All approved. Dick motioned to accept minutes as recorded. Gillian seconded. All approved. Flo motioned to reseal the minutes. Dick seconded. All approved.
Acceptance of Donations: Flo motioned to accept report. Dick seconded. All approved.
REPORTS: Secretary’s Report—Lisa Wiley: Dick motioned to accept report as edited. Gillian seconded. All approved. Town Bookkeeper’s Report: Dick motioned to accept report pending audit. Gillian seconded. All approved. Treasurer’s Report—Flo Marsh: Gillian motioned to accept report pending audit. Dick seconded. All approved. Director’s Report—Donna Straitiff: Dick motioned to accept report. Gillian seconded. All approved.
1. Moose Plate Grant Update: Donna will attend a meeting with the Selectmen for formally
accepting and signing the grant.
1. Budget Proposal: Dick motioned to accept the proposed budget. Flo seconded. All approved. The budget proposal will be submitted to the town for review by the end of October.
2. 2019 Holiday Schedule: Flo motioned to accept the schedule. Gillian seconded. All approved.
3. Volunteer Luncheon: There will not be a volunteer luncheon this year. Donna will present a gift to thank the volunteers. Gillian motioned to offer a volunteer gift card. Flo seconded. All approved.
4. Investment Policy: The subcommittee met and after reviewing multiple library policies, constructed a draft for our library. This will be reviewed for future consideration, once we have heard from another consultant to get more information.
5. Other: Pat Martin of the Rindge Energy Commission has asked Donna to take part in the “Button Up” program, taking place at the Fitzwilliam Town Library, November 27, 6:30pm.
6. A dear and longtime trustee and secretary of the library, Bob Carney passed away this week. The trustees will choose a memorial donation for the library to recognize his years of service.
1. Ingalls 1894 Association: Members are looking to sell more quilt raffle tickets as the
drawing is next month.
2. Friends of the Ingalls Memorial Library: no meeting.
Gillian motioned to adjourn at 5:35pm. Flo seconded. All approved.
Next Meeting Date—November 27, 2018