Tuesday, September 25, 2018
Trustees present: Karla MacLeod, Dick Isakson, Roberta Gordenstein, Flo Marsh, Gillian L’Eplattenier
Director Donna Straitiff
Trustee Alternates: Lisa Wiley, Linda Dodge
Trustee Alternate absent: Craig Jensen
Guest: Rick Sirvint
Acceptance of Donations: Flo motioned to accept report, Roberta seconded. All approved.
Secretary’s Report—Lisa Wiley: Roberta motioned to accept, Dick seconded. All approved.
Town Bookkeeper’s Report : Roberta motioned to accept report pending audit. Flo seconded. All approved.
Treasurer’s Report—Flo Marsh: Dick motioned to accept the first part of the report pending audit. Roberta seconded. All approved. Roberta motioned to accept the second portion of the Treasurer’s report pending audit. Dick seconded. All approved.
Director’s Report—Donna Straitiff: Roberta motioned to accept report, Flo seconded. All approved.
1. Unattended Children/Code of Conduct: Flo motioned to accept the policy as written, Roberta seconded. All approved.
2. There are new sensors installed for security by the doors.
1. Moose Plate Grant: The library received notice that the town has been accepted for a grant of $10,000 to be used toward specified library building maintenance on the mortar.
2. Budget / Budget Schedule: The board reviewed the town budget schedule.Joint session is November 7th. The trustees will hold a special session on Tuesday, October 16th at 4:30pm to approve the budget proposal.
3. Investments/Investment Policy: A sub-committee will be formed to begin wording our updated policy.
4. There is a town harvest fair and Mary Beth will look into having youth offer an activity.
5. The Children’s area will be re-structured to accommodate better visibility, moving furniture and bookshelves.
6. Dick mentioned that the CIP board has recommended requesting monies be included in the next budget cycle to repair the library roof.
1. Ingalls 1894 Association: Gillian was able to sell some quilt raffle tickets at a local car show.
2. Friends of the Ingalls Memorial Library: Donna is looking into outreach options.
Per RSA 91-A:3 II Non-Public Session called at 5:09. Roberta motioned to close session, Flo seconded. All approved. Session ended at 5:35. Roberta motioned to re-open meeting, Flo seconded. All approved.
Roberta motioned to seal the minutes of the Non-Public Session. Dick seconded. All approved.
Roberta motioned to adjourn meeting at 5:47 , Flo seconded. All approved.
Next Meeting Date—October 23,2018
Special budget meeting: October 16, 2018 4:30pm