Tuesday, August 28, 2018
Attendance: Trustees- Karla MacLeod, Dick Isakson, Roberta Gordenstein, Flo Marsh, Gillian L’Eplattenier
Director: Donna Straitiff
Trustee Alternates: Linda Dodge, Lisa Wiley Trustee Alternate absent: Craig Jensen
Guests: Jeannette Gutteridge, Rick Sirvint, Craig Clark, David Pierce, Al L’Eplattenier,
Ted Fischer- guest speaker from Parsons Capital Management
Change of order: The board chose to hear our speaker, Ted Fischer from Parson’s Capitol, before continuing with the formal meeting. Mr. Fischer shared his insights on business investing, as the board is considering this option for fund stewardship.
Acceptance of Donations: Flo moved to accept the donations report, Roberta seconded. All approved.
Secretary’s Report—Lisa Wiley: Dick moved to accept the report as edited, Roberta seconded. All approved.
Town Bookkeeper’s Report: Roberta moved to accept report pending audit. Dick seconded. All approved.
Treasurer’s Report—Flo Marsh: Roberta moved to accept report pending audit. Gillian seconded. All approved.
Director’s Report—Donna Straitiff: Roberta moved to accept report, Flo seconded. All approved.
Other: The fax machine was moved to a more public area.
Roberta motioned to adjourned at 5:55pm, Flo seconded. All approved.
Next Meeting Date—September 25, 2018
Tuesday, August 28, 2018
Attendance: Trustees- Karla MacLeod, Dick Isakson, Roberta Gordenstein, Flo Marsh, Gillian L’Eplattenier
Director: Donna Straitiff
Trustee Alternates: Linda Dodge, Lisa Wiley Trustee Alternate absent: Craig Jensen
Guests: Jeannette Gutteridge, Rick Sirvint, Craig Clark, David Pierce, Al L’Eplattenier,
Ted Fischer- guest speaker from Parsons Capital Management
Change of order: The board chose to hear our speaker, Ted Fischer from Parson’s Capitol, before continuing with the formal meeting. Mr. Fischer shared his insights on business investing, as the board is considering this option for fund stewardship.
Acceptance of Donations: Flo moved to accept the donations report, Roberta seconded. All approved.
Secretary’s Report—Lisa Wiley: Dick moved to accept the report as edited, Roberta seconded. All approved.
Town Bookkeeper’s Report: Roberta moved to accept report pending audit. Dick seconded. All approved.
Treasurer’s Report—Flo Marsh: Roberta moved to accept report pending audit. Gillian seconded. All approved.
Director’s Report—Donna Straitiff: Roberta moved to accept report, Flo seconded. All approved.
Other: The fax machine was moved to a more public area.
- Parson’s Capital- moved to beginning of meeting.
- Open House for Georgi-Georgi’s retirement party is August 30th.
- Staffing-A new assistant has been hired to work 17 hours a week. A new substitute has also been trained.
- Ingalls 1894 Association- There is a plan for a local car show where the group can sell quilt raffle tickets. The next meeting of the group will be Sept 5 at 4pm.
- Friends of the Ingalls Memorial Library: no meeting in August. They did a wonderful job promoting the library in the town’s 250th parade.
Roberta motioned to adjourned at 5:55pm, Flo seconded. All approved.
Next Meeting Date—September 25, 2018