June 25, 2019
Trustees Present: Karla MacLeod, Flo Marsh, Lisa Wiley, Gillian L’Eplatteniere (late arrival)
Director: Donna Straitiff, Youth Services Librarian: MaryBeth McQuaid
Trustee Alternates: Dick Isakson, Linda Dodge
Guests- Al L’Eplatteniere, Sharon Rasku
Acceptance of Donations- Flo motioned to accept report, Karla secoded. All approved.
Karla motioned to instate Linda as a voting member for the meeting, Lisa seconded. All approved.
Secretary’s Report—Lisa Wiley- Linda motioned to accept report. Flo seconded. All approved.
Town Bookkeeper’s Report- Flo motioned to accept report pending audit. Lisa seconded. All approved.
Treasurer’s Report—Flo Marsh- Linda motioned to accept report pending audit. Gillian seconded. All approved.
Director’s Reports—Donna Straitiff- Lisa motioned to accept report. Flo seconded. All approved.
Lisa motioned to adjourn at 5:55. Flo seconded. All approved.
Next Meeting Date—July 23, 2019
June 25, 2019
Trustees Present: Karla MacLeod, Flo Marsh, Lisa Wiley, Gillian L’Eplatteniere (late arrival)
Director: Donna Straitiff, Youth Services Librarian: MaryBeth McQuaid
Trustee Alternates: Dick Isakson, Linda Dodge
Guests- Al L’Eplatteniere, Sharon Rasku
Acceptance of Donations- Flo motioned to accept report, Karla secoded. All approved.
Karla motioned to instate Linda as a voting member for the meeting, Lisa seconded. All approved.
Secretary’s Report—Lisa Wiley- Linda motioned to accept report. Flo seconded. All approved.
Town Bookkeeper’s Report- Flo motioned to accept report pending audit. Lisa seconded. All approved.
Treasurer’s Report—Flo Marsh- Linda motioned to accept report pending audit. Gillian seconded. All approved.
Director’s Reports—Donna Straitiff- Lisa motioned to accept report. Flo seconded. All approved.
- Invitation to Bid – Mortar Work- Bids have been collected and are being reviewed. LCHIP has sent a checklist to begin the process for fund disbursement.
- Charter Trust- they have received the funds and have begun the investment process.
- Distribution of Collection Development policy-for review
- Material Donation Policy- for review.
- Display from the Cathedral of the Pines- Donna has been invited to host a display from their museum.
- Summer Reading- Attendance is going very well for both the children’s and adult events.
- Director’s Vacation- 3rd week in August
- Library Bill of Rights- Posted in library
- There were emails sent to the Trustees, Director, and Youth Services Librarian questioning a display in the Young Adult Room and the collection policy regarding materials they found controversial. Donna has prepared a statement to have available at the library which addresses the collection development policy and how material purchasing decisions are made. The Trustees determined that the display was in accordance with library policy and that it would remain as is through the end of June.
- Ingalls 1894 Association- Gillian reported that the group is planning to send a fundraising letter perhaps in November for a specific project. One thought is movable stacks in the Children’s Room.
- Friends of the Ingalls Memorial Library- The book sale in June had a low turnout. No further news.
Lisa motioned to adjourn at 5:55. Flo seconded. All approved.
Next Meeting Date—July 23, 2019