April 23, 2019
Trustees Present: Karla MacLeod, Roberta Gordenstein, Flo Marsh, Gillian L’Eplattenier, Lisa Wiley
Director: Donna Straitiff
Pending alternates: Dick Isakson, Linda Dodge
Acceptance of Donations : Roberta motioned to accept report, Flo seconded. All approved.
Secretary’s Report—Lisa Wiley: Roberta motioned to accept report as edited. Flo seconded. All approved.
Town Bookkeeper’s Report: Flo motioned to accept report pending audit, Roberta seconded. All approved.
Treasurer’s Report—Flo Marsh: Roberta motioned to accept report pending audit, Lisa seconded. All approved.
Director’s Report—Donna Straitiff: Roberta motioned to accept report, Flo seconded. All approved.
Roberta motioned to adjourn the meeting at 5:55pm. Lisa seconded. All approved.
Next Meeting Date—May 28, 2019
Respectfully submitted, LBW secretary.
April 23, 2019
Trustees Present: Karla MacLeod, Roberta Gordenstein, Flo Marsh, Gillian L’Eplattenier, Lisa Wiley
Director: Donna Straitiff
Pending alternates: Dick Isakson, Linda Dodge
Acceptance of Donations : Roberta motioned to accept report, Flo seconded. All approved.
Secretary’s Report—Lisa Wiley: Roberta motioned to accept report as edited. Flo seconded. All approved.
Town Bookkeeper’s Report: Flo motioned to accept report pending audit, Roberta seconded. All approved.
Treasurer’s Report—Flo Marsh: Roberta motioned to accept report pending audit, Lisa seconded. All approved.
Director’s Report—Donna Straitiff: Roberta motioned to accept report, Flo seconded. All approved.
- Policy Review - Internet: Roberta motioned to accepted the updated policy pending edits. Gillian seconded. All approved.
- Other: Karla updated the board on the letter from the Attorney General’s office closing the complaint of electioneering brought against the library director in April. No evidence was found.
- Staffing: As a staff member has decided to leave, Donna will be revamping the assistant director position to better reflect the current needs of the library. There will be no budget increase involved in this change this year. An additional Library Assistant entry-level position will be posted.
- Charter Trust update: We are ready to begin moving CD’s into the new Charter Trust investment portfolio as they come due. Flo and Karla will meet with the company to set up the process.
- Update on Invitation to Bid – Mortar Work: the process is slow, but moving. Karla will continue to pursue the town office for updates.
- Distribution of Photography Policy for May review
- Upcoming programs: Lunch and Learn has several events in the coming month.
- Other: Donna has created a monthly summary of activities to update the board.
- Donna will use a portion of the Hunt Grant to update the wireless internet access in the downstairs areas.
- MaryBeth is changing the summer reading program to offer activities throughout the week.
- Ingalls 1894 Association: Gillian reported that investments are going well and she spoke with the Friends group about adding personal book donations to the town wide book sale on June 1st.
- Friends of the Ingalls Memorial Library: The Friends are coordinating the book sale for June 1st in conjunction with the Town Wide yard sale.
Roberta motioned to adjourn the meeting at 5:55pm. Lisa seconded. All approved.
Next Meeting Date—May 28, 2019
Respectfully submitted, LBW secretary.